SKOCH Corporate Excellence Award

SKOCH Corporate Excellence Award is a prestigious recognition given to a company or organisation acknowledgement of its exceptional performance, achievements, and contributions in various aspects of the business. These awards are designed to celebrate and honour organisations that demonstrate outstanding practices, innovations sustainability, leadership, and overall excellence within their respective industries.
SKOCH Award, though taking your professional excellence as a starting point, is about going beyond the call of business to serve the country – we call this enlightened self-interest. If India must become a developed country by 2047, most of the heavy lifting will have to be done by big business. Their Digital Transformation must, therefore, reach the population scale to touch every Indian. Make every Indian their customer to grow the business. This then will create a consumption and job generation juggernaut.
Some businesses share this vision, but only a few are doing something about it as a strategic plan. It is these businesses that would be worthy of a SKOCH Award.
As a part of the award process, the businesses and their best practices get documented. Their total economic impact on India is understood. Their story is widely shared for others to take note of and learn from.
Early Bird: 15th November 2024 | Last Date: 30th November 2024
How to apply for|participate in|win SKOCH Corporate Excellence Award?
Go to Apply PageStep 1
Submit NominationStep 2
Await ResponseStep 3
Past Forums
SKOCH Awardees*
* All brand logos above are registered trademarks or trademarks of their respective companies/organisations.
* These are some of the past awardees. Full list can be viewed at Past SKOCH Awards page.
About SKOCH Group
SKOCH Group is India’s leading think tank dealing with socio-economic issues with a focus on inclusive growth since 1997. SKOCH Group is able to bring an Indian felt-needs context to strategies and engages with fortune-500 companies, state owned enterprises, government to SMEs and community-based organisations with equal ease.
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Our Mission
The repertoire of services include field interventions, consultancy, research reports, impact assesments, policy briefs, books, journals, workshops and conferences. SKOCH Group has instituted India's highest independent civilian honours in the field of governance, finance, technology, economics and social sector. The group companies include a consulting wing, SKOCH Consultancy Services Private Limited; a media wing, SKOCH Media; and a charitable foundation, SKOCH Development Foundation.